09 Sep

Field Guide for Post-Exposure Package of Care for Households with DR-TB Exposure

They World Health Organization released updated guidance on TB Preventive Therapy for household contacts of people newly diagnosed with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The Sentinel Project has developed implementation support tools as part of a post-exposure package of care for these vulnerable families/household members. They can be accessed here and used to support rapid scale-up of the strongly recommended WHO guidelines. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240096196http://sentinel-project.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/PEP_Field_Guide_version_2024_FNL.pdfhttp://sentinel-project.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/PEP_POCKETGuide_version_2024_FNL.pdf

21 Dec

Field Guide now available in multiple languages

The fifth edition of the Sentinel Project Field Guide for the management of children and adolescents with drug-resistant TB is now available in French, Spanish, and Russian, thanks to the generosity of Translators without Borders and Partners In Health. The field guide supports the use of all-oral, shorter, and simplified regimens for children and adolescents. The guides can be found here:

French: French_DRTB-Field-Guide-2022_v5-AP-fr_fr

Spanish:  Spanish_DRTB-Field-Guide-2022_v5-AP-es_419

Russian:  Russian_DRTB-Field-Guide-2022

15 Sep

Field Guide for Pregnant and Peripartum People Released!

September 15, 2022

Durban, South Africa

The Sentinel Project released its first edition of the 2022 best practices document called “Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Pregnant and Peripartum People: A Field Guide” today. The guide is meant to support the care of pregnant and peripartum people living with DR-TB and the neonates born to them. The guide was released at the 7th SA TB Conference by Dr. Marian Loveday, It represents the work of 17 experts from around the world and hopes to fill a crucial gap in the care of this population. The guide can be found at the link below. For questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us at tbsentinelproject@gmail.com


01 Dec

A Family-Centered Approach to the Treatment and Prevention of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescents: Counseling Tools and Approach

Working with children/adolescents and their families as they undertake their DR-TB prevention and treatment journeys can be incredibly fulfilling. It also, however, requires a significant amount of patience and investment on the part of the counseling and health care teams. This guide from Medecins Sans Frontieres, Khayelitsha provides a “flexible approach” to counseling families affected by drug-resistant tuberculosis.

A Family-Centered Approach to the Treatment and Prevention of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Children and Adolescents: Counseling Tools and Approach

27 Jul

Managing Unavailability of the Cycloserine 125mg Capsule

In 2018, a quality-assured, 125mg capsule of cycloserine became available to countries and programs treating children with rifampicin-resistant forms of tuberculosis. This capsule is an additional formulation to the standard adult capsule which is 250mg. Although not technically a “pediatric formulation”—since the capsule is not dispersible—the existence of this 125mg capsule should allow for more precise dosing and less drug wastage in young children, since the World Health Organization recommends a weight-based dose of 15-20mg/kg/day. For a number of reasons, however, there have been challenges with the availability of the 125mg cycloserine capsule, and countries may find they are either unable to obtain the smaller capsule or are unable to use the capsule in their countries. If the 125mg capsule is not available, it is recommended that the larger 250mg capsule be used. A practical approach to using the larger capsule is detailed in the attachment, along with more information on weight-based dosing for other TB drugs.

10 Feb

Symposium: Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy as an Emergency Response to COVID-19

On behalf of the HMS Center for Global Health Delivery, the Sentinel Project on Pediatric Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and el Centro de Salud Global at Socios en Salud, we would like to thank everyone who was able to join our virtual symposium “Advancing Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy as an Emergency Response to COVID-19” on January 27, 2021. 

If you were unable to attend, or you would like to revisit a topic from the symposium, full-length recordings are available on the HMS Center for Global Health Delivery website. You can follow the link below to access the recordings and review the presentations and bios of each of the speakers.  


We hope this symposium emphasized the need to increase access to preventive therapy as we continue to juggle the dual burden of tuberculosis and COVID-19 and we look forward to seeing you all at more events in the future! 

En nombre del Centro de Salud de HMS, el Proyecto Sentinel sobre Tuberculosis Pediátrica Resistente a los Medicamentos y el Centro de Salud Global de Socios en Salud, queremos agradecer a todos los que pudieron unirse a nuestro simposio virtual “Avanzar en la Terapia Preventiva de La Tuberculosis como Respuesta de Emergencia al COVID-19” el 27 de enero de 2021. 

Si no pudo asistir, o desea revisar un tema del simposio, la grabación del evento está disponibles en el sitio web del Centro de Salud Global de HMS. Puede seguir el siguiente enlace para acceder a las grabaciones y revisar las presentaciones y biografías de cada uno de los ponentes. 


Esperamos que este simposio haya llamado atención a la necesidad de aumentar el acceso a la terapia preventiva a medida que continuamos haciendo malabares con la doble carga de la tuberculosis y el COVID-19, ¡y esperamos verlos a todos en más eventos en el futuro!