21 Jun

MDR-TB weight-based dosing chart for children

This dosing chart provides recommendations for the acceptable doses of second-line TB drugs for children. This chart, available here, was developed by a team of experts in November 2013 based on published data as well as new PK data on the fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides. The doses are based on weight bands and use tablet sizes currently available in most TB programs. Because children being treat for DR-TB often gain weight quickly, it is recommended that dose adjustments be considered on a regular basis (i.e. monthly).

For important disclaimers on the use of this dosing chart, please refer to the disclaimer section available in the Sentinel Project’s “Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Children: A Field Guide

02 Sep

Caring for children with drug-resistant tuberculosis: Practice-based recommendations

The management of children with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is challenging, and it is likely that in many places, the roll-out of molecular diagnostic testing will lead to more children being diagnosed. There is a limited evidence base to guide optimal treatment and follow-up in the pediatric population; in existing DR-TB guidelines, the care of children is often relegated to small “special populations” sections.

This article seeks to address this gap by providing clinicians with practical advice and guidance. This is achieved through review of the available literature on pediatric DR-TB, including research studies and international guidelines, combined with consensus opinion from a team of experts who have extensive experience in the care of children with DR-TB in a wide variety of contexts and with varying resources. The review covers treatment initiation, regimen design and treatment duration, management of comorbid conditions, treatment monitoring, adverse events, adherence promotion, and infection control, all within a multidisciplinary environment.

Read more about it here.

Full Reference: Seddon JA, Furin JJ, Gale M, Del Castillo Barrientos H, Hurtado RM, Amanullah F, Ford N, Starke JR, Schaaf HS. Caring for children with drug-resistant tuberculosis: Practice-based recommendations. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 186(10):953-964.

Download the PDF here.